
Raver Monthly


I developed the design and layout for an EDM Magazine using InDesign and Photoshop.

Image of main feature page for Wyatt Denham's Raver Monthly magazine.

This magazine is the final project created for my Media Design class. Designed using a combination of Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, this magazine is a culmination of a semester’s work with InDesign and layout for print. This project does not include original content, and all photos are credited in their corresponding caption.

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This project allowed me to explore design from a topic that I am passionate about, and the resulting product is an eye-catching magazine that is both captivating and entertaining for the viewer. In order to focus on the overall design and layout for this project, all text 12pts and smaller is filler text. Large, colorful images make up sections of the design, and the magazine avoids large text blocks where possible to make reading content easier for the viewer. Inspiration for this project came from my love of Electronic music and other music-centered magazine publications, like Loudwire, and DJ Monthly.

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